Tomorrow we begin and complete another book of the Bible. I find that soooo exciting!!! I hope you do to!!!

The Book of Micah was written by the Prophet Micah possibly during the reigns of King Jotham (GOOD), King Ahaz (REALLY BAD), and King Hezekiah (REALLY GOOD) all Kings of Judah in approximately 742-687 BC.

Micah means “Who is like the Lord??”

The purpose of the book was to WARN ALL of God’s people that judgement was coming. It was also to encourage people to TURN BACK to God so they would be pardoned from HIS judgement. The major focus of the book was on the people of both Samaria (capital of the Northern Kingdom, Israel) and Jerusalem (capital of the Southern Kingdom, Judah.)

This book actually has three parts (Chapters 1, 3, and 6) each part begins with HEAR or LISTEN and each section closes with a PROMISE. Micah’s message had 3 keys to it — Sin, Destruction, and RESTORATION.

Micah preached in the walls of Jerusalem. Micah’s political platform was the unfair treatment of the poor from the rich. Micah wanted the people to KNOW that every cruel act to our fellow people was an INSULT directly to the Lord. Micah does live to see Israel’s captivity because they CHOSE NOT to heed to the words and warning of the prophets.

Micah focused on:
The exposure of sins in the land;
The punishment God was about to send; and
Restoration of the people after the discipline ended,

Samaria was the capital of the Northern Kingdom, Israel. For the past 200 years, they had adopted idolatrous practices, calf and Baal worship along with all the practices of their ungodly neighbors. In year 734 the Northern Kingdom will be deported and in 722 Samaria will become a “heap of rubble”.

The sins of this time were NO different from the sins of today, idolatry, coveting, oppression of the poor, violence, false prophets, corruption of government and royalty, corruption in priests and churches, and dishonesty of the people. SO…. since the sins were no different than those of our time…..this is also a Word of Warning for us as well.

As you read these chapters and see the bad, REMEMBER….. God’s prophesy of the coming Messiah was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. HE is our HOPE. HE is our REDEMPTION, and RESTORATION. However, we play a part in this hope….we are to remain focused on HIM, study HIS Word, KNOW HIS Word, LIVE His Word. Amongst the bad things we are reading…..focus on ALL Jesus had done for you and for me!! We have the CHOICE of serving HIM and living for HIM TODAY…RIGHT now….FOREVER. And when we make this ChOICE and remain faithful to HIM…..our lives change…our focus changes…..HE desires for us to live the abundant life here on earth and spend all eternity with HIM once our mission is complete on this side of heaven. God loves us so much that HE sent HIS only son JESUS to save us from ourselves and eternal damnation. Micah is using the God inspired Words to encourage Israel and Judah to RETURN to the LorD. Micah tells all the bad that happens when we take our eyes off of HIM and all the good when we are glued to HIM and refuse to let HIM go. I don’t know about you but I have determined to be a Jacob(Israel) when he REFUSED to let go of the angel of The Lord until the angel blessed him. Of course he came out of that with a dislocated hip….but WHAT A BLESSING he had. We are encouraged through the good news of restoration to learn about all the wonderful benefits and the POWER of prayer using God’s Word and God’s ways.

A key verse of this book is 6:8 — “He has showed you O man, what is good. And what does The Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

If you have the opportunity…..compare Micah 6:8 to Matthew 23:23!! This comparison is a GREAT reminder that Jesus wants us ALL to have a heart after God, to KNOW HIM, and to WANt to obey HIM as opposed to just going through the motions of doing what appears to be right while having NO intimate relationship with HIM. Guess what….faking it doesn’t work!!

Sharing HIS love,


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